: >-----Original Message-----
: >"WB" wrote in message :
[email protected]...
: >: Ok for the life of me I cannot get my win2k computer
: >: to 'see' my xp computer and vice versa, ive got ADSL
: >: connection through a HUB. Maybe I am doing it wrong?
: what
: >: should I do to get them to both work? I want to be able
: to
: >: play LAN games and share files between the two.
: >
: >Please provide the following:
: >
: >ipconfig /all of both computers
: >What you've tried.
: >What is not working.
: >What error specific error messages complete with number
: and description you
: >are getting.
: >
: My dad says im never supposed to give out my IP address to
: anyone.
What's this? :
If your IP address is private, then there is no security risk in showing
your IP. However, I'm interested in the full ipconfig /all, not just the
: As for what ive tried, I have tried just giving both
: computers the same name for workgroup
: and I have tried using windows xp auto networking, and
: then tried to use the nnetwork setup wizard disk supplied
: for auto network and it says that it can only be used for
: windows 98/98 SE, windows millenim edition, and windows
: xp. So my win2k computer cant use it.
Sounds reasonable.
: I was wondering maybe if win2k had another program like it
: that would let me link with the xp machine?
: >
: as to what is not working, I cannot see the other computer
: when I go into my network places--->computers near me or
: my network places---->entire network--->microsoft windows
: network--->*workgroupname* (currently these are no longer
: the same for both computers cause I was trying something
: different).
Do you have a xDSL router?
How is the DSL connected to your network? What does it connect to directly?
Is the XP Firewall enabled?
Is Microsoft Networking and File and Printer Sharing both installed?
If previous is yes, is File Sharing enabled?
Can you ping each computer by IP? Name?
Roland Hall
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