Windows 2000 upgrade to XP errors out with Novell Client32 Incompa

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T Rix

Windows 2000 upgrade to XP errors out with Novell Client 32 Incompatbility.
Problem is - I have uninstalled the Novell client years ago. I ran unc32.exe
to try to clean it out of the system, and I still can't get the upgrade to
run. I do not want to wipe out this laptop with a fresh install of XP I want
to upgrade. But I am having this issue. Anyone know how to get around it?
With xp,one could boot to xp cd,recovery console,type:Listsvc Scroll the
write down the problem service,exit the page,type:Disable /? Follow the
& disable the service you wrote down..Even w/o xp installed you still can
recovery,if you recieve text saying otherwise,simply type the cmd.
Did you verify all your Network Connections to make sure that it wasn't
present on any of them?

I have only one Local Area Connection and it only uses TCPIP no IPX. I even
removed it and rebooted just to make sure it was not still somehow attached
and still nothing. I have also searched Windows Explorer and the registry for
Client32 and Novell and Netware and deleted anything I could find. Still no
success. I tried Andrews idea also, of scrolling through the services and the
only 2 I see related to Netware are nwlnkflt and nwlnkfwd and both are set to
manual and will not let me disable them. So I am still stuck. I hate having
to wipe it out but I may end up going that route.
I finally got it to work- This is what I had to do. I went to Novell's
website, downloaded for free the latest Novell client (ver 4.91), installed
it, and then had to boot into safe mode to uninstall it. After that I was
able to log into my system and do the upgrade. The uninstall must have
finally wiped away any of the Client32 that was sticking around.
Hope this helps someone else with this same problem, and thanks to all that
tried to help.
