I have a Windows 2000 PC and a Windows 98 PC connected
together via a hub. I have given them static IP
Addresses, etc and I can see each PC from the other. When
I connect to the Windows 98 PC from the Windows 2000 PC I
can see all the shared resources but when I connect to the
Windows 2000 PC from the Windows 98 PC I click onto the
shared directory and it asks me for a password even
thought I have not set a password. This happens if I
click on to the Windows 2000 PC through Network
Can anyone please help?
I have a Windows 2000 PC and a Windows 98 PC connected
together via a hub. I have given them static IP
Addresses, etc and I can see each PC from the other. When
I connect to the Windows 98 PC from the Windows 2000 PC I
can see all the shared resources but when I connect to the
Windows 2000 PC from the Windows 98 PC I click onto the
shared directory and it asks me for a password even
thought I have not set a password. This happens if I
click on to the Windows 2000 PC through Network
Can anyone please help?