Windows 2000 Spoolsv.exe error

  • Thread starter Thread starter Michael
  • Start date Start date


Have had several instances of the Spoolsv.exe error where
the installed printer drivers dissapear. the only way to
reinstall the Printer drivers is to delete the old printer
drivers out of the registery and reinstall them
does anybody have any idea what causes this error/problem?
You ask, "If anyone knows why this happens to ALL machines over the
domain, please tell me." The MSKB article 244921 says, "Microsoft has
confirmed that this is a problem in Microsoft Office 2000."

BTW, I have this problem also and don't have Office 2K on my computer. I
used to use it, but it started causing me problems and I uninstalled it.

Also, your solution only worked for me for about 5 seconds. Just on the way
to open the Printers window, the spoolsv.exe error came up again.

Got anything else?
I am having the same problem. although i've found articles

that supposedly help

but i can't fix it, ive deleted all registry entries but i still get
spool errors

anyone know how to fix this?

can sumone with wink2k look into their registry
and look for this


i am looking for the following keys

BJ Language Monitor
Local Port
PJL Language Monitor
Standard TCP/IP Port
USB Monitor
Windows NT Fax Monitor

LPR Port

i beleive that i deleted BJ language by accident and would like to know
what the values are so i can add it back
and I never saw any LPR Port at all so knowing the values of that so I
can add it would be nice too
