Windows 2000 Server or 2003?

  • Thread starter Thread starter JM
  • Start date Start date


A client has a Win2k Server as his domain controller, with a poorly
implemented AD. Prior to my arrival he purchased another server, Windows
Server 2003, and MS Exchange. Would it be best to leave his 2000 server
as-is and set up Exchange on the 2003 server? Or would this be a good time
to migrate everything over to the 2003 Server?

The business is a small medical clinic. The network supports about 10
computers, 2 tablet PCs, 3-4 printers, and a scanner.

thank you,

You will get extra functionality with 2003 as it is an advanced version, my
bet is that you should move to 2003, but surely the 'poorly-implemented ad'
is the worry? W2k domain works well without the add-ons of 2003, but bad ad
is bad everywhere!
My 2 cents. If it's a mess anyway, with W2K winding down in it's support
cycle, it sounds like a good time to do it right with the latest and

Install the new server as windows 2003 and promote to a dc, move all fsmo
roles, dns and whatever else needs to be moved across. Demote the original
dc and purchase another copy of 2003 and re-install the o/s on this machine
and then install Exchange on this machine.

How to move from 2000 to 2003;en-us;325379

Make sure DNS is on the new DC

If DNS not integrated, consider doing this.;en-us;198437

Note if this system has only a single dc look at bringing a second dc into
the mix for fault tolerance.

Transfer your fsmo roles;en-us;255690&Product=win2000

Make the new machine a GC;en-us;313994

Once the new machine is promoted, change all your client machines to point
to this new DNS server as well as the DC itself. Demote the machine and
reinstall the o/s. Once done and things run fine then begin to look at the
Exchange installation, but get this new machine installed and running. 2000
is on its last legs and the AD needs to be up and running with a fresh
install to help ease your administation.



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