Anthony the grammar is a little difficult for us to follow;
PLEASE understand that YOUR English is MUCH better
than my ability to speak YOUR language but we might need
you to review the message with a friend to help us to help you.
We will try in any case but it is a little confusing....
Ok. I have 2 PDC & BDC windows 2000 server works fine last time. Now I
reinstall the BDC which is a file server & BDC for my domain. After I
Windows Active Directory only had "DCs"; there are no PDC or
BDC unless you actually have NT xDCs in your domain still.
install I join the server to domain the dcpromo it. everything work
the dcpromo. All the configuration of the DNS server in PDC have been
to BDC. But on the client PC I try to map to the file server drive
which I
have share from the BDC with the DNS name "server\file server" work
1st time.
If you can access it at all it is NOT likely a DNS issue.
Do make sure however that your clients computers contain
ONLY the "INTERNAL DNS servers" on their NIC->IP
configuration -- do not mix both external and internal servers
since that is never reliable.
This is one of the few (likely) DNS issue that will cause things to
work temporarily and then fail.
Also, make sure you don't have two DNS servers forwarding to
EACH OTHER, i.e., "mutually forwarding". Such infinited loops
do cause DNS server failures.
After a while the mapping drive become offline & need to
synchornize on the drive to online. Anything I can do to troubleshoot
DNS server on the BDC?
Probably not DNS (except see above.)
Can show me a site which have the troubleshooting
skills, tools or steps? Please help is urgent because the BDC have been
problem like this for few weeks already. Thank you.
If you do have either DNS server or DC authentication errors the
most important tool is likely DCDiag.
It is in the "Support Tools" on your Server CDROM.
Also NetDiag for you non-DC machines will help.
You problem does not however sound LIKELY to be either a
DC or DNS error since it works at first and then fails.
Do the following: run and save the output from your "IPConfig /all"
BEFORE the problem occurs. Run it again when the problem
Do so on both an affected client and the problem server (e.g., BDC.)
You can test DNS functionality with NSLookup from the client....
NSLookup ServerName IP.Of.DNS.Server
You can view shares on your file server (from the client) with the
net view \\ServerName
new view \\Server.Ip.Add.ress
net view \\
All of these SHOULD work but you can sometimes isolate the
problem by determining which work, or which work work only
slowly or not at all.
Herb Martin, MCSE, MVP
Accelerated MCSE
[phone number on web site]
In Anthony Tang <Anthony (e-mail address removed)> typed:
I have reinstall a windows 2000 server for file server & dcpromo it
to join back my domain. But I found out some client always
disconnected from the file server drive & go offline.
I'm afraid that you haven't provided enough information for anyone to
you with this. Please repost with full details of your configuration,
errors you get, and what you've done already to troubleshoot. may help...