Post your OS, system RAM size, settings (size of pagefile.sys you have &
want) and location of pagefile.sys as they may be the problem. For example
if you have W2K with 512MB RAM, the best settings maybe 768MB (1 +1/2 the
ram size) for pagefile.sys for workstations or servers. Some people set it
at RAM size + 12MB = 524MB for desktops. Your issue may be that you want
more room on your C: partition and you may need to move it to the D: (or
next logical drive or even a second or subsequent hard drive) instead of
allocating 2MB as some suggest - because the setting is too low, this always
gets the OS to evaluate my system settings and reset it. I have 1 hard
drive and created 2 partitions on my system, primary and logical partitions
with the logical being the partition location of my pagefile.sys.