windows 2000 hangs 1 hour before booting up



I have tried everything to resolve this problem, i contacted microsoft and was on hold for 4 hours only to relize that they could not help me. This is a Dell Poweredge 2400, running windows 2000 with the latest servicepack and updates.I also have the latest bios and firmware installed. Still with all this the machine takes exactly 45 minutes to a hour to boot up,i tried safe mode,last known good configuration, and anything else you could think of.The only thing that is missing is a driver for SCSI\ProcessorDELL____1x4_U2W_SCSI_BP_.DeviceDesc which i have no idea what this driver is for.I contacted Dell and they verified that this driver would not be the cause of the system hanging up.I still cannot find the driver anywere, any help will surely be appreciated....

J.C. Hornbeck [MSFT]

One thing I would check first is the configuration for DNS. If the server
is a DC and is pointing to a DNS that it cannot register with then I've seen
them take a very long time to boot. As a quick check to see if it's network
related you can try booting with the network cable unplugged. If it then
boots normally you know where to look. If it still boots slowly then
there's probably some service that is hanging on startup. If that's the
case then there should be some clues in the system event log.

J.C. Hornbeck, MCSE
Microsoft Product Support

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omar/hlp hlp hlp said:
I have tried everything to resolve this problem, i contacted microsoft and
was on hold for 4 hours only to relize that they could not help me. This is
a Dell Poweredge 2400, running windows 2000 with the latest servicepack and
updates.I also have the latest bios and firmware installed. Still with all
this the machine takes exactly 45 minutes to a hour to boot up,i tried safe
mode,last known good configuration, and anything else you could think of.The
only thing that is missing is a driver for
SCSI\ProcessorDELL____1x4_U2W_SCSI_BP_.DeviceDesc which i have no idea what
this driver is for.I contacted Dell and they verified that this driver would
not be the cause of the system hanging up.I still cannot find the driver
anywere, any help will surely be appreciated....

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