Windows 2000 Client for Windows XP



I am trying to copy the files from a dying NT machine to a
new XP but i can't get them to network/share. The Article
below from MS website says that I need drivers, but after
2 hours of looking, I can't find them. Does anyone have a

"You can include Windows 95 or Windows 2000 computers on
your network. However, these computers may require
additional software to allow you to share folders or a
printer. Consult the documentation that came with those

Bob I

No "extra" files needed for Windows 2000. On the network interface
add/enable file and printer sharing. Then share the folders/hardrive you
need to copy.


Didn't work. I have shared drives between the NT and 2k
machines many times. I even got the NT machine to see the
XP, but the XP couldn't see the NT box.

Bob I

If the NT sees the XP box why can't you dump the files from the NT box
to the XP box?


It's a little confusing, but will try to help out.

Subject says windows 2000, but text says NT. Since this is a WIN2K
newsgroup, I assume it's not an NT client.

I assume you not only shared the drive in the Win2K client but also
added the users in the security tab?

Also, you may have enabled the firewall in XP. If this is the case,
temporarily disable it.

Both computers should be the same workgroup. To cross workgroups,
click the Win2K desktop, press F3, select "computers" and type in the
XP computer name. This will cross workgroups, you won't need
explorer which does not cross workgroups.

Some AV software installs firewalls. Temporarily disable your AV. Or
modify the configuration to permit local net access or add the IP
address of the target machine or something.

You didn't mention, but when you run the command prompt ipconfig/all,
both machines are on the same subnet? If not, you need to add

Ping your target machine. Open a command prompt and type
ping ip.address.of.otherone
If you get timeouts, you have not correctly installed TCP/IP drivers,
or you only think you disabled your firewall.

If you're on the same net and workgroup, etting a user ID, enabling
all protocols, giving access permissions, and sharing the drives
should be enough


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