While housecleaning my hard drive, I found under the WIN2000 directory
the CACHE subdirectory with a number of files from a recent upgrade of
Adobe Acrobat to V. 6.0.1.
In the CACHE subdiretory is the Data1.cab cabinet file (like a zip
file), an Adobe Reader .msi file, Setup.exe, and a few others, all
totaling over 18 mb. The actual Acrobat program files are in the
Program Files directory, fully installed. Normally these cab files et.
al. get placed in a temp folder where they are usually automatically
purged at the end of the setup routine. Why they are in the WIN2000
CACHE subdirectory I don't know.
I'm fairly certain I can just delete these files manually, but I'm
wondering if there's a command somewhere, icon or command line, I can
give to flush the WIN2000 CACHE subdirectory?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
the CACHE subdirectory with a number of files from a recent upgrade of
Adobe Acrobat to V. 6.0.1.
In the CACHE subdiretory is the Data1.cab cabinet file (like a zip
file), an Adobe Reader .msi file, Setup.exe, and a few others, all
totaling over 18 mb. The actual Acrobat program files are in the
Program Files directory, fully installed. Normally these cab files et.
al. get placed in a temp folder where they are usually automatically
purged at the end of the setup routine. Why they are in the WIN2000
CACHE subdirectory I don't know.
I'm fairly certain I can just delete these files manually, but I'm
wondering if there's a command somewhere, icon or command line, I can
give to flush the WIN2000 CACHE subdirectory?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.