Just to check, does the Promise card have 2 cables or 4? I'm not clear what
you mean by a "port" here. To clarify, the options are:
2 cables, Primary and Secondary channel, each channel has master and slave
=> 4 devices
i.e. port == device
4 cables, Primary and Secondary channel, each channel has master and slave
=> 8 devices
i.e. port == channel.
If the former, then this won't help. It's ATAPI.SYS, the driver, that is at
fault, not the motherboard and swapping 2 IDE channels (promise) for 2
others (motherboard) would make no difference. If the latter, this would
help, apart form the small issue that my PCI slots are fully populated
already (never said this was going to be easy did I!).
FYI, I've tried using Knoppix ( with no hardware or
BIOS changes and the Linux drivers (Knoppix is Debian Linux) handle my
set-up fine. I can read all devices and Linux reports UDMA for my
hard-drive and PIO for the CF reader, which are both on the same IDE
So bottom line, ATAPI.SYS seems to be crap and since I can't get the source
code, I'm pretty much up a creek...
My only out seems to be to upgrade to Win2K but this is a high "cost to
benefit" option. Alternatively, CF cards have just finalized DMA-capable
specs. so soon, CF cards will use DMA. I just have to wait...
Thanks for all your suggestions,
Paul DS.