Windows 2000 Advanced Server Cluster -> Permission disappares!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Oddis
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Hi all...

Got a strange problem with a windows 2000 Advances server cluster

All permissions to tsprofiles and home folders has disappared! Only
Administrator and system that has access to them. With 500 users this is a
problem... Any one got an idea how to solve this??


Firstly please note that this is a Windows 2000 Active Directory newsgroup
and your post should have been posted in the
Microsoft.win2000.advanced_server group instead of here as it would have
been more appropriate. Nevertheless I will try to help you.

I have had the same issue happen to me once. Unfortunately as it only
happened in my test lab server I didn't spend much time trying to
troubleshoot the issues and instead rebuilt it. I would recommend your
ensure you don't have any issues with the external disk you are storing
your data on. Is your cluster only used as a file server for tsprofiles
and homedirs? Or is this one of the virtual servers you setup with a disk
to store homedirs and tsprofiles?
Check if the event log reported and any disk corruption errors (event 11s
are bad) and see if chkdsk has kicked in.( I am assuming you haven't
disabled the automatic chkdsk that is invoked when file system corruption
is detected). Also your %systemroot%\system32\cluster folder may have a
chkdsk report if it did run. Also check for event 11s recorded by either
the disks or your SCSI/Fibre controller for the external disks. I would
think some file system corruption may be causing the permission issues.
Then again it could be a bug in Windos 2000 MSCS. What service pack have
you got running? I think my issues happened on a SP2 cluster.

If you've got regular good backups of the cluster you could consider
restoring the data and the NTFS permissions with it. If not it is time to
start scripting the permissions assignment. Assuming tsprofiles has
terminal server session profiles that is going to be near impossible.
Profiles are always accessible only by the owner unless you use group
policies and have configured the computer level policy setting to allow
administrators access to the profile. Assuming homedirs is an additional
home directory or redirected "my documents", permissions restoration may
be still tricky. You could write a script that that takes every single
folder name beneath homedirs and configure the folders permissions to be
assigned to the owner. This is provided that the subfolders beneath
homedirs is in the easy format of %username%. If this is the case you
could do something using the for command. I forget the syntax. But you
could easily look it up.

for %i in (x:\homedirs\*) do cacls %i /t /g %userdomain%\%i:F
%userdomain%\Domain Admins:F

If I've got the syntax wrong I'm sorry. Additionally the command may
appear wrapped. This is not meant to be a proper solution but more like
some suggestions that may jog your brain cells and give you a much better
idea than mine :-)

Good luck


Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any data lost or any other calamities
you may suffer from my suggestions.