Windows 10 Update - Intel optane memory pinning error

May 31, 2019
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Had my Dell comp about a year and was notified of a Windows 10 (Major?) update.
Anyway it updated - eventually (overnight), but now when I click on the file explorer icon I get an error message "Intel optane memory pinning etc..."
It still opened the file explorer Ok but something's obviously amiss.
I Googled it but it then all looks extremely complicated - downloading new drivers etc
I'm sure if someone knows what theyre doing it would be fine (?) but it all looks too risky to me.

"How to fix it:
To resolve the issue and prevent it from occurring after a future OS update, please download and Install the Intel® Rapid Storage Technology (Intel® RST) driver version or greater."

Is it that simple or could it all go horribly wrong?

Yes, it can be that simple .. or rollback and don't update Windows.

Windows 'update' has been a hit or miss affair, since Windows 10!
"How to fix it:
To resolve the issue and prevent it from occurring after a future OS update, please download and Install the Intel® Rapid Storage Technology (Intel® RST) driver version or greater."

Is it that simple or could it all go horribly wrong?


As Muckshifter said Windows 10 update has been a hit or miss affair is absolutely correct. I have had many who had problems with it. I personally have had no issues with it so far after updating to the new version.

I had installed Intel® Rapid Storage Technology (Intel® RST) driver from Intel website just recently, and had no issues. Not suggesting you do the same but just so you know. It is also a good idea to install "Intel driver support software" on your computer since it will automatically install whatever drivers are needed to support your system. Maybe you could try this first and see how it goes.

I have this installed to support most of my hardware which is Intel and it keeps all in order without having to individually try to install different drivers.

Before you update anything make sure you create a restore point so that you are able to go back if things don't work the way they are supposed to. A backup of your important data is always a good idea too.

Hope this helps.
Just getting around to fix this 'problem' and downloaded the installer but I get this warning or 'get out of jail' clause.

'Installing this Intel generic graphics driver will overwrite any customized driver from your Computer Manufacturer (OEM).
OEM drivers are handpicked, customized, and validated to resolve platform-specific issues, enable features and enhancements, and improve system stability. Intel’s generic graphics drivers are intended for testing, and we recommend using drivers from Dell. Report any issues found with this driver to Intel.'

Not sure what to do now.
Yes that is correct you should install the driver provided by Dell for full funtionality of the graphics card. Go to Dell website and see if you find an updated driver for your graphics card, if available download it, if not leave it alone.
  1. Open Programs and Features (Press Windows key. + r), type appwiz. cpl and click OK.
  2. Locate and highlight Intel Optane Pinning Explorer Extensions.
  3. Click Repair.