Windows 10 Windows 10 - Beginners Guide [Tutorial]


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
A really good overview of Win10 for the uninitiated and 'expert' alike ... there was a lot in there I never knew, this Win10 is growing on me. :eek:

Not bad, but I had to watch it at 1.5 speed as he was sending me to sleep!
A really good overview of Win10 for the uninitiated and 'expert' alike ... there was a lot in there I never knew, this Win10 is growing on me. :eek:

Speaks far to quickly. He hardly takes a breath lol :-D Thank God for CC.
Hi, thanks for sharing this source and tutorial about Windows 10. You know, I'm really having second thoughts about it but I have read that Windows 10 is better than Windows 8 because there are more features capability. It is also user friendly.
Hi, thanks for sharing this source and tutorial about Windows 10. You know, I'm really having second thoughts about it but I have read that Windows 10 is better than Windows 8 because there are more features capability. It is also user friendly.

By all accounts Windows 10 is far better than Windows 8. It may turn out to be a good os but personally I would wait until all the beta bugs are ironed out before trying it. :cool: