Window Update problem



Since installing the 6 Critical Updates and 1 non-critical update from the
MS update site, I was notified by MS there updates in the Systray, my
Windows Explorer has not been working right. I can't Copy To Folder or Move
to Folder any files from any folder. It did expand out the whole D: drive
using this command, %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /e,d:, with no problem. If I
click on any folder it just hangs and eventually gives me error message that
explorer is not responding.
Should I use yesterdays Restore Point and try updating again or what?

J Ski

I've had similar problems. Here's what I found
KB908531 is the problem, after restoring to yesterday and deselcting this
update everything was fine. I'm waiting for a patch or something from
Microsoft because this was a huge screw up.

Good Luck


After Restoring to yesterday, did you do a manual update & just uncheck the
bad one?


I had to change my Automatic Update Setting to just notify me cause it
installed that KB908531. This time instead of doing a Restore, I went into
Add/Remove Programs, click "Show Updates" at top of window then scrolled
down until I found KB908531 and removed it. PC restarted, Windows Explorer
working right again.

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