Window Size



When I open the browser to go to any web site, the window
always opens small and I have to maximize it to go full
screen. This happens even with icons I have set up on my
desktop that use Internet Explorer.


Pat -

For IE, do this:

Open one instance of IE Browser>Drag the window to the desired size (fill
the screen if you like) *manually*. Do not use Maximize, as that setting is
not "remembered" by IE. When you are going to close it use the file>close>
while holding the shift key; Don't use the "X" to close it. That should get
it to definitely remember the size, now and forever. This method has worked
for me *everytime*... without fail.

Otherwise, use the "Launch Internet explorer" icon on your desktop as
follows: Right click>properties>Run dropdown box>Maximized>Apply>OK out.


(e-mail address removed)

How to make a good newsgroup post:

Susan Lammi

Thanks so much, This fixed a problem for me when I was trying to use the
"Open in a new windows" from the shortcut menu.....

Works like a charm now....

Thanks again


My IE6 has the problem of always being in maximized mode whenever launched by
my service provider's software. After using the "restore to normal" button,
it operates fine (even to the point of closing all windows and restarting IE
while my internet connection is still active). I've tried the 'SHIFT key
while closing' suggestion, but nothing yet has changed the maximized at
launch problem. Perhaps this is a parameter passed by my service provider's

Robert Aldwinckle

My IE6 has the problem of always being in maximized mode whenever launched by
my service provider's software. After using the "restore to normal" button,
it operates fine (even to the point of closing all windows and restarting IE
while my internet connection is still active). I've tried the 'SHIFT key
while closing' suggestion, but nothing yet has changed the maximized at
launch problem. Perhaps this is a parameter passed by my service provider's

Why are you reopening a thread which is almost 3 months old
with the opposite problem?

This is an example of why people should always use specific Subject
text lines. Generic subjects like this can mean anything as you are
now proving.

One possible explanation for your symptom is that you are using
a Desktop shortcut which has been modified to Run: Maximized.

If this isn't it it would really help if you opened your own thread
with a more descriptive Subject: and a lot more details in your
problem description.


Robert Aldwinckle

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