Window size too small when launching some programs



Some programs launch without filling the entire screen. I've using the
maximize button, no help. I've tried using properties from the desktop Icon
and compatability to change resolution temporarily, no help. I did get the
window to get larger by changing DPI settings, but that requires rebooting
the computer each time, and than to go back, rebooting again. Is there a
shortcut to help with this problem?

PA Bear

"Grab" the corners of the smaller window with your cursor and drag it to
full-size > Close all *other* windows > Close the resized one.

PA Bear

Are you referring to window sizes in a particular application (e.g., Excel)?

Does the largest sized (not Maximized) window fill your screen?

By chance are you referring to Kiosk Mode (F11)?


Yes, the application is a DOS program Manage Your Money. The maximized size
is small, does not fill the screen. It will not drag or maximize larger,
only when I increase the DPI settings. The program is not listed on the
programs registry. Using the properties tab from the desktop Icon, going to
Compatiblitly, and selecting 640X resolution does nothing.

PA Bear

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