You are seeing the contents of a desktop.ini , which has lost its sysytem or
hidden attributes, located in one of your Startup folders.
To correct this, in Windows Explorer (which should be "Run as
Administrator"), go to:
C:\Users\(YOUR NAME)\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start
Select the Startup folder. While holding down the Shift key, right click on
the Startup folder, and choose "Open Command Window Here". In the Command
Window, at the prompt, type (or copy and paste):
attrib +H +S -R desktop.ini
Press Enter on your keyboard.
Now go to:
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
Select the Startup folder. While holding down the Shift key, right click on
the Startup folder, and choose "Open Command Window Here". In the Command
Window, at the prompt, type (or copy and paste):
attrib +H +S -R desktop.ini
Press Enter on your keyboard.
Hope this helps,
Asker24 said:
Shortly after installing Vista Home Premium I started to get a Notepad
opening automatically on startup. It ocntains the message:
Can anyone tell me what this is and how to get rid of it?