window pops up partially offscreen


b smile

Using Win XP & IE 6.0.2- I'm having problems when smaller
IE windows pop up (not pop-up ads) on a website, and
instead of being fully visible and the toolbar controls
being accessable-like the maximize/minimize buttons- part
of the window is offscreen on the right hand side of the
screen and I have to either drag the whole window over to
see it or click View> Fullscreen. Not all IE windows do
this- for example this window for posting a message
appeared in the center of the screen normally. Isn't
there a way to configure how windows appear and IE will
then remember the position? Thanks!

b smile

I just read some advice on this board about dragging the
smaller window box to a full screen size (not using the
maximize tab on the toolbar) and closing it last so IE
will "remember" it at that size and it seems to work.

Charlie Tame

The more spy and ad ware that's around the more this sort of question gets

These pages give some unofficial explanations (i.e. I wrote it not MS) and
if you care to use view>source you will be able to pick out the bits of
JavaScript sites can use to change your settings. Note the location of that
window may be set on the web page and if you are using a lower screen
resolution than the page designer expected it may well go off screen.

The last window closed is the size IE remembers

About IE Window Sizing


b smile

Yeah, your post that you linked to below was the one I
read- thanks a lot. I did get hit by a number of spy and
adware before installing Adaware & Spybot- no problems
since but that might explain the weird displaying of some
windows, and definitely explained why my IE browser was
hijacked! I downloaded a CW Shredder file for that
specific hijacker( at and
fixed it.

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