Window-Explorer windows are disappeared

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dieter Drescher
  • Start date Start date

Dieter Drescher

After installing some application software in a newly created
W2K-Prof. partition, the Windows-Explorer windows from
the last OS session are always disappeared after rebooting, so
I have to start the explorer.exe-file and resize its window every
time when I reboot the system.

How can this strange behaviour to be explained and how can I
resolve the problem?

Tanks in advance for every suggestion.
Hmm it could be winblaster worm in your system get the patch for RPC

it happened on my computer too after 2 min of booting upto desktop I get
svchost error and I cant see or browse anything in explorer until I ltaer
found that my comp is infected with winblaster32 worm and explicitly explit
rpc vulnerablity, I then run norton too to remove winblaster worm and it had
removed it...

but my system was still unstable until I actually installed patch by
microsoft to stop that vulnerability....

hmm after that so far everything is good!!!!!!!!!