When I open several files at once thru Windows Explorer, each file is opened
in a separate instance of Excel. I want all files in one instance of Excel;
i.e. all files should be visible from the Window pane of Excel. I have a
macro that opens each file separately (ActivateNext) and then closes each
file. This seems to be dependent on which work station around the office.
Some open one instance of Excel, some open several instances. How can I set
this up to only open one instance of Excel? I using Windows XP and Excel
in a separate instance of Excel. I want all files in one instance of Excel;
i.e. all files should be visible from the Window pane of Excel. I have a
macro that opens each file separately (ActivateNext) and then closes each
file. This seems to be dependent on which work station around the office.
Some open one instance of Excel, some open several instances. How can I set
this up to only open one instance of Excel? I using Windows XP and Excel