Window dithers between active and inactive

  • Thread starter Thread starter glendot
  • Start date Start date


When I am on the internet the window keeps changing from
active to inactive. The blue bar at the top of the window
keeps going from bright blue to dull blue. This cycles on
about a 5 second cycle. I am typing this on the 5 second
cycles when it is in active window. What's happening
glendot said:
When I am on the internet the window keeps changing from
active to inactive. The blue bar at the top of the window
keeps going from bright blue to dull blue. This cycles on
about a 5 second cycle. I am typing this on the 5 second
cycles when it is in active window. What's happening

Whenever you get weird behavior like that - especially on the Internet -
the first question to answer is:

What does a scan with a current antivirus program (meaning a version not
earlier than 2003 using updated virus definitions) show?

Malke said:
Whenever you get weird behavior like that - especially on the Internet -
the first question to answer is:

What does a scan with a current antivirus program (meaning a version not
earlier than 2003 using updated virus definitions) show?

MS-MVP Windows User/Shell
Elephant Boy Computers
"Don't Panic"

I have had the exact same problem. I have both Norton Anti-virus and
Webroot Spy Sweeper running at all times. I thought perhaps the Spy Sweeper
was doing something in the background to cause the active window to suddenly
become inactive, but that's just a guess. Any suggestions would be greatly