OK, I've given that a try (I have the 4.2 Standard SDK emulator). The
WCELoad.exe file is *not* present in the Standard SDK emulator for eVC.
That's probably because the Standard in Standard SDK doesn't require that
the WCELoad component be part of the operating system. I would guess that,
if you get an emulator for a specific device, you'll have the file there.
I still have no problem with the VS.NET 2003 emulator, though.
Paul T.
Brian Burgess said:
It is called the 'STANDARDSDK' emulator .. looks just like the Windows
CE.Net emulator 4.1 .. except for showing version 4.0
What CE.NET device are you emulating on the eVC 4 version? PPC2003?
I don't see a way to remove built-in files like that. They're all stored in
\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
Paul T.
Not on mine .. I have one computer with eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0 and
one computer with VS.NET 2003. The 'wceload.exe' file is in neither
emulator... in any directory...
On Thu, 16 Oct 2003 11:45:11 -0700, "Paul G. Tobey [eMVP]"
On the emulator for CE.NET that I have for VS.NET 2003, it *is* there.
Right in the \Windows directory...
Paul T.
Hi all,
Anyone know why the 'wceload.exe' included on these devices is not
included on the emulator? Also, anyone know how to get it?
Thanks in advance..