Winamp 5.06 released

  • Thread starter Thread starter Vrodok the Troll
  • Start date Start date
According to the article, the security flaw was fixed in version 5.05
released several months ago. So no need to upgrade if you already have 5.05


Ah darn it. Too late. Well, proggy is performing well; no prob's yet noticed.
I use Winamp 2.80. Later versions (v3) were chock full of GUI garbage that I
don't want. That's why I have not upgraded.

Is there a way to see v5 without upsetting my v2.80 installation?

That is, can I have BOTH 2.80 and 5.0x installed at the same time?

And can I subsequently uninstall ONE without affecting the other?
I don't know if you can, but I also use v2.8x. I tried v5 and v5 is a sorry
piece of junk imo comared to v2.8x. It's nothing but overdone graphics with
the same guts and starts up abou five times slower. I prefer Winamp for how
it works not how it looks, jmo....

I use Winamp 2.80. Later versions (v3) were chock full of GUI garbage
that I don't want. That's why I have not upgraded.
I don't know if you can, but I also use v2.8x. I tried v5 and v5 is a sorry
piece of junk imo comared to v2.8x. It's nothing but overdone graphics with
the same guts and starts up abou five times slower. I prefer Winamp for how
it works not how it looks, jmo....


Version 5 is completely different from version 3. The Nullsoft
people generally agreed that version 3 sucked, so they scrapped it
and created version 5 from the ashes -- it is the best stuff in
version 2 combined with the best stuff in version 3, hence version
5 (2+3=5, get it?).
Actually I am having version 2.81 and 5 install to my XP machine.
To enable which one to be the default player is a bit tricky but once
you get it done. They will works great.
Ben A Gozar said:
I don't know if you can, but I also use v2.8x. I tried v5 and v5 is a sorry
piece of junk imo comared to v2.8x. It's nothing but overdone graphics
the same guts and starts up abou five times slower. I prefer Winamp for
it works not how it looks, jmo....


I'm using the latest version of Winamp and don't find it to be particularly
slow. I installed it partially for the video support, which I don't *think*
versions 2.8x had (I may be wrong on that one, I often am...)

Something I would suggest if installing the new version is to opt for a
Custom Install and just choose the things you actually want. You can for
example select the "classic" gui, which is very similar to the one used for
2.8 and may well improve things speedwise. I also ditched the CDDB (or
whatever it's called) which really slows things down when listening to a CD.
