Richard Brooks said:
I've had to buy a new pc as the capacitors on the old one had rotten and
as I'm happy with Win98se right now, I'm looking for the right S3 AGP
driver for an Asus K8V-VM board, as the CD for it is for Win2000/XP.
Which one would work better than the 640*480 mode I'm in right now ?
Many thanks,
Oh Oh.
You should always check the download site for a motherboard
before you buy it, as Win98 support does not exist on
the latest hardware. For example, with Nvidia, the Nforce3
is the last chipset with Win98 support. Other manufacturers
will have cut off support in a similar way, on their chipsets
or hardware. Even on video cards, you need to check to see
if a certain vintage of hardware is needed. ATI has Win98
support for up to 9800 Pro, but I'm not sure there is
Win98 support for later than that.
The best option I can think of (with no guarantees), would
be something like a PCI version of the FX5200. This is
the last video card driver for Win98 on the Nvidia site. (dec21,2005)
(Check for supported video cards here - especially PDF page 50
- the second page of chapter 3)
Example of a PCI FX5200 $46
Since it is a PCI card, there shouldn't be an AGP GART driver,
so _maybe_ that will work.
There are 49 PCI video cards listed on Newegg, with some of them
being pretty old and crusty (like ATI Radeon 7000). Try to find
one with as high a level of DirectX support as possible.