Russ said:
Nothing fits here. Please check the accuracy of your statements.
Exchange 5.0 was a corporate mail server that is so old no viable company
would still be using it. Are you telling me you are connected to a corporate
intranet based on Exchange 5.0?
Outlook 97 is equally decrepit. No one has used it for years. Moreover it
did not support the co-existence of Exchange and an Internet Mail transport
in the same profile.
Sorry for the repost. Difficulties with the Newsreader.
No, I am not connected to a corporate inranet. When I load Exchange
5.0, it asks me to choose a profile and I select my profile. Under
my profile I have five services, Personal Addresss Book, Outlook
Address Book (even though Outlook is not installed), Microsoft Fax,
Personal Files and INTERNET email. My profile did at one time have
a Exchange Mailbox option, but via one of the menus (Properties?)
I removed it.
All five of these services work fine, with the exception of the
internet email. Again, I can receive mail via my pop3 earthlink
account, but when I try to send mail, it get the following message
in my Inbox: "No transport provider was available for delivery
to this recipient."
Now, this is not a big issue. I can always use Mozilla or Outlook
Express to send email. However, if I do that, I might as well use
an alternate program for both sending and receiving.
I am simply trying to avoid reinstalling Outlook 98 as I am afraid
it will mess up the Exchange program which has the fax option in it.
Unless you know if that these five services (including the fax service)
will still be available in Outlook?
OTS, I really enjoyed using Outlook 98 and even by today's standards,
would not label it as decrepit. I use email for mostly basic things
do not use all of the bells and whistles. Sending, receiving and a
decent address book is included in Outlook, not to mention a decent
calendar. In fact, I still use Office 97. I know this is off topic
but I never felt the need to "upgrade" programs. There is no point
in doing so since Office 97 fits my needs.
Anyway, any more insight you may have will be appreciated. I would
really like to get Exchange's outgoing email function to work so
that way I would have to use only one email program.
Thank you for your help so far. It is appreciated.