Windows 7 Win7Shell, Plugin for Winamp on Windows 7


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
Been using this for a while and love it, great to see apps making use of the superbar and jumplists in 7. :)

Win7shell is a simple plugin for Winamp, that integrates it with the new taskbar of Windows 7. As you may know the taskbar offers lots of new features, which you can read about everywhere, including here. Why would you need this? The new taskbar features were designed to improve the convenience of the user, adding visible information and shortcuts where you need it, but Winamp doesn't take advantage of these. Until now.


The plugin's features, briefly:

* shows playback status and progress in the icon background of the taskbar icon
* uses taskbar icon to display a "VU meter"
* shows playback status using icon overlays on the taskbar icon
* customizes the aero peek thumbnail with:
o Winamp logo
o album art
o customized information about the current media playing
o custom image file
* adds player control buttons on the aero peek thumbnail
* adds the playing media to the 'Recent' category of the jump list
* Winamp is now easier to find in 3DFlip

Compatibility and convenience:

* Translation support (Unicode and rigth-to-left support)
* fully compatible with Winamp and Windows 7
* all features can be turned on and off
* thumbnail information is selected and customized by user
* full UNICODE support

Screen Shots

Progress Bar

The progress bar in the taskbar icon background shows the position of the currently playing track. The different color can also indicate the status of the playback. Streaming media is shown as an "intermediate" state. You can also enable a feature that creates a tiny VU meter using this progressbar
  • 25uglqe.jpg
    Playing local file - green progress bar
  • 13zo5te.jpg
    Playing streaming media - green looping 'indeterminate' progress bar
  • 2kowb6.jpg
    Playback paused - yellow progress bar
  • fks7rc.jpg
    Playback stopped - red icon
Icon Overlays

These little icons will be shown in the lower right corner of the taskbar icon. There are three different icon overlays: playing, paused and stopped. They can be used in combination with the progress bar.
  • v3zhbn.jpg
  • 2dabps4.jpg
  • k8euh.jpg
  • apg3g2.jpg
    In combination with progress bar
Full Taskbar View

Oh I like the look of this :) I don't use WinAmp, but I'm tempted to download it just so I can have the cool progress bar for music!
Bump coz Win 7 is out now. and this rocks. :D
Just installed Winamp + this plugin thingy..Winamp seems to be a sh*t load better for me.Windoes Media Player was forever freezing or crashing on me, and I am only 4 days into W7 install...
Have your got WMP 10 or 11? I've read on other forums 11 is pants at best...

Winamp is just awesome.
V_R said:
Have your got WMP 10 or 11? I've read on other forums 11 is pants at best...

Winamp is just awesome.

11..Pants is an understatement... I have all my music stored on a QNAP NAS and WMPwon'tlet my change the file path. And when I do a search for new music it just searches my music....Need to have al better look though. Although with Winamp it was all done for me, quick serch and hey prseto all the music was there. Plus the bonus I can upload/download music to my iPhone and iTouch/Pod with Winamp..
Bah i meant 11 or 12. sorry Mad.... 12 being crap as i read.