

Philip K.

1. Can I move win386.swp from the C drive to another hard drive?
2. Why do I need it anyhow? I have 512 Mb of RAM and my graphics programs
do not use it.
3. If I simply delete it, is there any way to get it back if I get the
unpleasant surprise that some program is calling for it?

Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)


If memory serves me correctly, win386.swp is a Win9x/ME swapfile.. were you
to ask in an appropriate newsgroup, you may well get an appropriate answer..


In Philip K. <[email protected]> had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
1. Can I move win386.swp from the C drive to another hard drive?
2. Why do I need it anyhow? I have 512 Mb of RAM and my graphics
programs do not use it.
3. If I simply delete it, is there any way to get it back if I get
the unpleasant surprise that some program is calling for it?

You have a win386.swp file on XP? Do you mean pagefile.sys?


Peter Foldes

win386.swp Belongs to either W98 or Win ME. if you are using another version
of windows then you might just as well delete it.Leave it in your Recycle
Bin until you see it does not cause an issue.

Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)


Placing it in Recycle Bin is a temporary fix.. it will be created next time
that Windows starts..

Mike Hall
MVP - Windows Shell/user

Peter Foldes said:
win386.swp Belongs to either W98 or Win ME. if you are using another
version of windows then you might just as well delete it.Leave it in your
Recycle Bin until you see it does not cause an issue.

Harry Ohrn

If you are running Windows 98 or Me your answers are Yes you can move it,
Yes you need a swap file even with 2GB of RAM or more and Yes you can try
running without one and you will be notified if one is required. Right click
My Computer and select Properties->Performance Tab->Virtual Memory button to
make changes. You can always reset it through Safe Mode if you can't boot
back to Windows Desktop. BTW if you are running Windows 98 or Me please ask
questions in the appropriate newsgroup as this one is for XP questions.

However if you are running XP after upgrading from Windows 98 or Me you can
simply delete it. It could be left over from the upgrade and is useless on
XP which uses pagefile.sys instead of win32.swp. If you upgraded to XP and
decide to uninstall XP don't worry. win32.swp will be recreated after you
reboot back into your previous OS.

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

I think Peter was saying that if the user is now running XP, that the user
can safely place it in the recycle bin (and actually, if the user is running
9x, then they will not be able to move it there as it will be "in use"), as
it is nothing more than the remnant of a previous operating system - perhaps
from an upgrade.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -

Mike Hall (MS-MVP) said:

Placing it in Recycle Bin is a temporary fix.. it will be created next
time that Windows starts..

Mike Hall
MVP - Windows Shell/user

Philip K.

Thanks everybody. I do have both Windows XP and a 1 Gb 386.swp file. I'll
take a stab at deleting it.

Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)


I agree that if the upgrade was done, then the swp can be summarily dumped,
never to appear again.. unfortunately, we are all basing our answers on
assumptions as the OP has not clarified whether the system has been upgraded
to XP.. it is not unknown for Win9x users to come to this newsgroup looking
for answers.. :)

I am going for the scenario that the user is in fact using Win9x.. see ya
for $100.. :)
Mike Hall
MVP - Windows Shell/user

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

If it's really 9x, then he won't be able to delete it anyways.
I am going for the scenario that the user is in fact using Win9x.. see ya
for $100.. :)

In late September......<g>

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -


Beware. That system is built like an Harlequin dress: a patch over a patch,
over a patch.
Then if you remove one, all the other may fall.
You will be in trouble.


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