
  • Thread starter Thread starter elijah
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I want to sync xp time to a win 2000 DC ever hour using
NTP. I also want the results to show in event log.

elijah said:
I want to sync xp time to a win 2000 DC ever hour using
NTP. I also want the results to show in event log.


Read this whitepaper for the details:

Here's some of the relevant bits:

On a domain member machine, the w23time service is started automatically,
and will sync with the domain controller automatically.

W32Time will periodically check its local time with the current time by
connecting to the time source, usually the authenticating domain controller.
This process starts as soon as the service turns on during system startup.
W32Time attempts synchronization every 45 minutes until the clocks have
successfully synchronized three times. When the clocks are correctly
synchronized, W32Time then synchronizes at eight-hour intervals, unless
there is a failure to obtain a timestamp, or a validation failure. If there
is a failure, the process starts over from the beginning.
It is not normally necessary to fiddle with the defaults.

But for the sake of completeness:
The re-sync schedule can be tweeked from the registry.

W32Time Registry Entries
All registry entries for the W32Time service are in the HKEY LOCAL
MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\Parameters subkey

Period ( REG_DWORD or REG_SZ )

Used to control how often the time service synchronizes. If a value is
given, it must be one of the special values listed below:

65531, "DailySpecialSkew" = once every 45 minutes until successful one time,
then once every day
65532, "SpecialSkew" = once every 45 minutes until successful three times,
then once every eight hours (three times per day) [default]
65533, "Weekly" = once every week (seven days)
65534, "Tridaily" = once every three days
65535, "BiDaily" = once every two days
0 = once per day
freq = freq times per day. If you choose to add a value other than any of
those specified above, you must use this option.