
  • Thread starter Thread starter Gerardo Manon
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Gerardo Manon said:
What is the Win32k.sys driver.??? What is your function.??

Contains the The kernel-mode GDI library.

Matt Hickman
...Simes seemed to feel that he was the crown prince, but
the First wouldn't stand for it. Something about some
films the Chief Computerman had. Anyhow, he tried to
to get tough with Walther and I sort of broke his neck.
There wasn't time to be gentle,' Sam added hastily,
'Simes had a gun.'
- Robert A. Heinlein (1907-1988)
_Starman Jones_ (c. 1953)
The file Win32k.sys is the kernel-mode portion (device driver) of the Win32
subsystem. In other words, it's a critical core operating system file. A
good resource to get more details of what it does is documented in the book
"Inside Microsoft Windows 2000", Third Edition by David A. Solomon and Mark
E. Russinovich. To paraphrase, it manages windows (windows manager) displays
and interacts with the graphic device drivers (Graphical Device Interafce).
I hope this helps.