win32k.sys error

  • Thread starter Thread starter tawhynot
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hi. sometimes when i shutdown my windows xp pro
system...right after "saving your settings"...i get a
blue screen with an error with "win32k.sys". i have all
the latest xp patches installed. what could cause this
error? thanks.

What is the full text of the error, an error code may help determine what is
causing this.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone
I have been having a similar issue. I get a stop error at 0x00000008e
with the prolem in win32k.sys. I thought it was my on board GeForce 2,
but I have since replaced it with a Saffire Atlantis Raedeon 9800se. I
still get the BSODs. Here is my system...

AMD Athalon XP 1900
512 Ram (DDR)
Sound Blaster Live
2 drives (80gig and 40 gig)
on board nic
MSI 6373

Any help anyone can provide would eb most aprpeciated. I am at a loss.
Everything I can find on the net poits to a video problem.

Thanks in advance!



0x8E is usually a ram problem. One or more sticks may be faulty, or the
sticks may be mismatched. Try running with only one stick installed to see
if it helps. If you want to check the memory, there are free programs here:

But keep in kind that a thorough test can only be done with test equipment
at a computer shop. At the price of memory today, you may find that the test
costs more than a replacement stick.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone
woad said:
I have been having a similar issue. I get a stop error at 0x00000008e
with the prolem in win32k.sys. I thought it was my on board GeForce 2,
but I have since replaced it with a Saffire Atlantis Raedeon 9800se. I
still get the BSODs. Here is my system...

Check your BIOS settings. That usually means something is set wrong in there
and needs resetting to work right.
I ran both Windaig and Mem86 and neither came up with any errors...
even let the Mem86 run all night last night.


0x8E is usually a ram problem. One or more sticks may be faulty, o
sticks may be mismatched. Try running with only one stick installe
to see
if it helps. If you want to check the memory, there are free program

But keep in kind that a thorough test can only be done with tes
at a computer shop. At the price of memory today, you may find tha
the test
costs more than a replacement stick.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

Any ideas as to what could be set wrong? To the best of my knowledge
all was well in the BIOS.

Check your BIOS settings. That usually means something is set wron
in there
and needs resetting to work right.

woad said:
Any ideas as to what could be set wrong? To the best of my knowledge,
all was well in the BIOS.

It usually refers to the video adapter in the case of your problem.
Therefore, if everything else is working well then change the settings for
the video adapter and if that doesn't work, you can get a very cheap and
nasty video card if you don't have a spare, insert it and try again to see
if it all boots OK. If so, then go back to the supplier because the adapter
is either stuffed or there is a setting on it you don't understand causing
that is causing this. If it isn't a setting then my bet is the ram on the
video adapter.