win32bagel worm



My computer was infected with this worm. I have deleted
the files infected. When I use IE6 now I have problems
going to certain web pages and cannot access my bank
account online. It won't open link pages at different
sites. What does this worm do and can I reinstall IE6 to
fix the problem or should I format the hard drive and
start over?

Carey Frisch [MVP]

One can successfully delete a virus file, but that does nothing
to correct the damage to the operating system files which the
virus has already damaged.

How to Perform a Windows XP Repair Install

[Courtesy of MS-MVP Michael Stevens]

If a repair install is unsuccessful, then a clean install is required:

Clean Install Windows XP

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect your PC!


| My computer was infected with this worm. I have deleted
| the files infected. When I use IE6 now I have problems
| going to certain web pages and cannot access my bank
| account online. It won't open link pages at different
| sites. What does this worm do and can I reinstall IE6 to
| fix the problem or should I format the hard drive and
| start over?

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