Has anyone used Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration::EnableStatic to change
from dynamic IP addresses to static addresses in an XPe system? My interest
is in booting many rack mounted devices with PXE/RBS but then changing to
addresses that can be derived from the blade's rack number and position in
the rack. The method can return a value indicating a reboot is necessary
which would undermine my goal so I am interested in knowing how this method
behaves in XPe.
from dynamic IP addresses to static addresses in an XPe system? My interest
is in booting many rack mounted devices with PXE/RBS but then changing to
addresses that can be derived from the blade's rack number and position in
the rack. The method can return a value indicating a reboot is necessary
which would undermine my goal so I am interested in knowing how this method
behaves in XPe.