win32 error

Apr 19, 2008
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Hi can anyone please help?
Recently got a new laptop but am having problems viewing powerpoint shows.
I have got office with Powerpoint2007 on but when i recieve or try and view any pps i get a error message saying "pps is not a valid Win32 application"

I have used the Help option but could not solve the problem.

Any suggestions?
Could you please specify wether you are using Windows Live Mail or Outlook to open your PPS attatchments ???
I don't use Outlook only Hotmail, but even if I try to view it from a disc I get the same error message.
Just a few more questions to ask that might help me solve your problem.

Have you tried uninstalling Power Point and re-installing..?
When you installed Power Point was it from a genuine copy of MS Ofice, and are you the licence holder of that copy..? And have you done any updates for MS Office Power Point..?

I know these might sound like silly questions, but they will help me to help you illiminate your proble
I have tried to uninstall it and install it again, it was originaly installed from and Office and Student 2007 which belongs to my dad and is install on his pc only. Tried updates too but still no success.