win2K admin password



Our church has a windows 2000 based system that they want to load the new palm software to. It requires the software to be loaded by an administrator (or a user with these powers). We have never logged on as admin and don't know the password. The supplier has left the business. I have been all over the MS website and cannot find technical information on how to log on ad admin if you do not know the password. Do I have to reload or something ? I would appreciate any help. The system works find and the use (our Reverend) had not had to go into admin since starting. But now we cannot do it.


Did you try using a blank password?

wfchamb said:
Our church has a windows 2000 based system that they want to load the new
palm software to. It requires the software to be loaded by an administrator
(or a user with these powers). We have never logged on as admin and don't
know the password. The supplier has left the business. I have been all
over the MS website and cannot find technical information on how to log on
ad admin if you do not know the password. Do I have to reload or something
? I would appreciate any help. The system works find and the use (our
Reverend) had not had to go into admin since starting. But now we cannot do


wfchamb said:
Our church has a windows 2000 based system that they want to load the new
palm software to. It requires the software to be loaded by an administrator
(or a user with these powers). We have never logged on as admin and don't
know the password. The supplier has left the business. I have been all
over the MS website and cannot find technical information on how to log on
ad admin if you do not know the password. Do I have to reload or something
? I would appreciate any help. The system works find and the use (our
Reverend) had not had to go into admin since starting. But now we cannot do
There is an admin password cracker tool, you need to boot the pc up with
this floppy in the drive, you can get the software from here -

Works every time for me.

Also it seems to work best if you just blank the password as opposed to
resetting it to something.

Good Luck



try logging in as ADMINISTRATOR


leave blank - yes , do not enter anything !

next step may be password recovery tools


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