Thomas McGuire
When logging into WIN2000, the system accepts my password
and begins to load my settings. OR so the little box
tells me. after a few seconds i am kicked back out to the
password entry box with no error message. Repairing
windows did not fix this, and I have no way to enter the
system to retrieve my product ID. Is there an alternate
spot for the ID, or am I up a creek with out a paddle...
Hopefully someone knows how to fix this.
and begins to load my settings. OR so the little box
tells me. after a few seconds i am kicked back out to the
password entry box with no error message. Repairing
windows did not fix this, and I have no way to enter the
system to retrieve my product ID. Is there an alternate
spot for the ID, or am I up a creek with out a paddle...
Hopefully someone knows how to fix this.