There are a few things that you need to look at and consider.
First you have to make sure that your BIOS is 48-bit LBA compatible. By
the looks of it I'm not sure that it is, if you were only able to create
a 128GB partition your BIOS may only be 28-bit LBA capable, with a
48-Bit LBA BIOS you should have been able to create a 137GB partition.
Go in the BIOS and verify that the disk and its size is properly
recognized, if it isn't you will need a BIOS update to properly use the
remainder of the disk.
If your BIOS is 48-bit LBA capable you will have to enable 48-bit LBA
large-disk support in the registry, DL has already pointed you to that
information, follow the instructions in
You will not be able to increase the size of the present 128GB partition
without the use of third party tools. After you verify the BIOS and add
the EnableBigLba registry hack you can use the built-in Windows Disk
Management tool to create another partition out of the remaining disk
space. To start the Disk Management tool enter diskmgmt.msc in the
Start menu Run box.
Third party partitioning tools can be used to increase the size of the
current partition to use all the disk space but I would never do this
myself and I would not advise anyone to do this with their Windows 2000
boot volume. Should your Windows 2000 installation ever need to be
repaired with a chkdsk at the Recovery Console you are almost certain to
corrupt the whole disk and loose everything on it as soon as chkdsk
crosses the 137GB boundary. Should you ever need to perform a repair
installation (in-place upgrade) of the operating system you are almost
sure to run in the same kind of problems, the Windows setup program will
not properly recognize the disk and the whole disk may be corrupted
during the installation. For these reasons I do not advise that you
increase the size of your present Windows partition to a greater size.
Should you ever need to repair or cleanly reinstall Windows 2000 on the
present partition make sure that you install SP4 again and make sure
that the EnableBigLba registry entry is present, if you try to copy or
access files on the partition above the 137GB boundary without these you
will probably corrupt the partition and loose all the files on it.