This is how it is solved.
1. Click on ""Start" button
2. Locate "File Explorer" and click on it
3. Find the item that is called "Downloads" and has a large down arrow as an icon on its left
(it should be under "This PC"). As a matter of interest, It is a system "read only" folder
4. Right mouse-click on it and select "Properties"
5. Click on the tab "Location" and you will see where the current location is.
. If you wish to keep downloads, I would suggest you create a folder on an external drive.
I have one called "H:\Data\Downloads" for all my downloads and I give each program I download a separate
folder in case I want to refer to it again (and keep different versions, perhaps).
Since you cannot define separate folders to the "Edge" download facility, I created a folder called
"Edge Downloads" under the H:\Data\Downloads folder.
I then changed the location under the "Location" tab to "H:\Data\Downloads\Edge Downloads"
After the download finishes via Edge, the folder automatically shows as a flashing item in the status bar.
I simply go into that folder and move the download(s) to their respective folders under "H:\Data\Downloads".
That keeps the "Edge Download" folder clear (and the C: drive less cluttered).
It is handy if you rebuild our computer since you will not lose all your downloads.
For the record, the reason I have a drive with a folder called "Data" is that AMYTHING I do not want to
lose because of a system crash/rebuild I placed in folders under "Data". This includes "settings" and data files
which you define within your different programs (Any good program will allow you to define where its settings and
data are stored).
I then have a backup system to the cloud that backs up "H:\Data" and all its sub-folders.
After the crash/rebuild (if it happens) I simply re-install my programs and painstakingly go into each program
and tell its where the data and settings are stored (Drive H
. Voila! Everything back to normal.
I hope this info is of help.
Chris (Australia)