Windows XP Win XP won't boot (corrupt txtsetup.sif status 32768?)

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Jun 17, 2005
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Last night I restarted Windows (XP PRO), and it hung on the reboot before getting to the Win logo. I rebooted again and again and it never progressed to Windows. Nothing had been troubling before this. I tried booting from the Windows CD, but got the following error:

Inf file txtsetup.sif is corrupt or missing, status 32768. Setup cannot continue. Press any key to exit.

Any suggestions would be most appreciated!

Computer is still down, so I'm hoping someone has some ideas of things to try. I've swapped out the RAM modules (no help) and tried restarting in various safe modes (also no help; computer just hangs). Any suggestions would be most appreciated. Thanks!
Window's setup errors usually occur due to hardware failure. That file is probably not missing or corrupt, but due to a bad memory chip, or a scratch on the CD...dust on the lens...setup is failing.

There's been plenty of times I have had to use my memory to install Windows on a machine because they had memory chips that were bad.
As I said, I already checked the memory (was fine), so that isn't the problem. Not sure what you mean about the CD being scratched (as CDs play no role in boot up). Other ideas?
rainer79 said:
As I said, I already checked the memory (was fine), so that isn't the problem. Not sure what you mean about the CD being scratched (as CDs play no role in boot up). Other ideas?

Boot with the Win Pro CD and perform a repair Install. This can do the trick.
As I said in the first post, when I boot from the CD, I get the .sif error (that's the whole problem). Can't perofrm a repair install. Other ideas? Does anyone know if I could get such errors from a bad power supply?
rainer79 said:
Last night I restarted Windows (XP PRO), and it hung on the reboot before getting to the Win logo. I rebooted again and again and it never progressed to Windows. Nothing had been troubling before this. I tried booting from the Windows CD, but got the following error:
Inf file txtsetup.sif is corrupt or missing, status 32768. Setup cannot continue. Press any key to exit.
Any suggestions would be most appreciated!

Window's setup errors usually occur due to hardware failure. That file is probably not missing or corrupt, but due to a bad memory chip, or a scratch on the CD...dust on the lens...setup is failing.

As I said, I already checked the memory (was fine), so that isn't the problem. Not sure what you mean about the CD being scratched (as CDs play no role in boot up). Other ideas?


all of the above expet for the last comment are quoted though I lack the ambition to properly quote sorry...
What is Txtsetup.sif?

Txtsetup.sif is a setup information file (sif) used primarily for text mode setup (as the name implies). It can be used for other things however, such as the windows pe startup (the end of text mode and the beginning of Gui Mode is windows PE after all). After text mode is done the file has no purpose; it is not copied to the windows installation. Since it is not used by windows, it has no role in functions such as system file protection (SFC). It also is not digitally signed, so you can modify it without issues.

You can use txtsetup.sif to include 3rd party drivers on the xp cd, modifying the minimum requirements to install windows, add files to your install, add or delete registry hives, and more.

So.........sounds like the cd you were booting from has got a scratch, or you disk/ lens is dirty.

And I also doubt that your pc would report any errors because of a faulty power supply. Usually just has strange power issues, like not sarting, crashing early on, shutting down unexpectedly. As far as your system hanging on boot up....

Sounds like something has gone corrupt. It may be hard to believe but it does happen. Do you have an alternate HDD to try??? If the alternate hard will boot or install windows than we have narrowed our problem to either being softwre or the HDD. If still no boot then we know its a harware problem outside of the hardrive. When the pc boots up, how much memory is recognised by the BIOS? And how are you soo sure Ram is intact?? I've blown half a stick of ram before(at it looked perfectly fine to me)-- an older pc that would boot and only recognise 48mb ram.

SO as you have stated, your Windows cd is not booting correctly, and your system will get past the stat up page...... So thinking that the cd is in perfect condition, and the HDD is also in perfect, spyware/antivirus corruption free, then I'd say lets start simple....

Check to make sure all power cables are fit snuggly, some MOBO's have that smaller 4 prong connection that seems to come loose easily, especially if you like to mod around in the case. But I doubt a faulty power supply would casue any of these symptoms.
-Good luck :thumb:
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Thanks for all the suggestions. I know the RAM isn't the problem, because I've tried booting with other sticks and still the problem remains (I don't think four sticks of ram went bad it one day). Also, BIOS recognizes all RAM. Memory therefore just doesn't seem to be the problem. As for a scratched CD, that's not it (other computers recognize the CD fine). Perhaps it's the CD-ROM, but both CD-ROMs report the same error. I checked all connectors (nothing loose). I also couldn't think of any PS problems that would lead to this. The hard drive could be the problem, though, just to note, it was working fine before. Was having no problems with spyware, and run virus protection, but of course, could still be a virus (does anyone know of any recent virus that might lead to similar problems; I was up to date on my anitvirus software). Not too easy for me to get a second hard drive to test with, so was wondering if anyone knew of a way to run diagnostics, especially given I can't seem to get anywhere obvious to run them from. Oh, as for cpu it's an Athlon 1800. Not sure what mb I threw in (built in many years ago), but it's from Asus. Will check and update for tomorrow. Thanks!
rainer79, i solved the problem, my english isn't very good so i explain it as much possible as i can..

unplug your hard disk and plug it into a computer which has the same OS with yours (you must set the hard disk jumper to the slave mode), then when you start the computer, OS will check and repair the corrupted files.Tthen when you plug the hard disk to your PC everythings gonna be OK, you'll see

Hi you :
<.SIF used by setup is corrupted or missing
Value 0 on the line in section (Source Disks Files)
with key>-problem solvers

especially Rainer, what was your solution???

I'm having the same problem after having tried to reinstall XP-home, formatting et cetera...

that hard disk workaround was nope for me!!!

think it is either the CD or the CD-Rom!!

by the way there is a lot of **** on this subject...........

I'm trying to install another CD-rom

......... youll 'be hearing
Windows is doing this deliberately

I have the same situation. It was caused when a fresh install of Windows has been in place for longer than 30 days without being authorized (or probably, when a current authorized Windows installation loses the file that indicates it is authorized).

In other words, Windows is locking you out because it thinks it is an illegal copy. Apparently Microsoft puts something into the disk booting software to prevent booting or reinstall of Windows (which would allow you to bypass the Authorization process by reinstalling every 30 days).

I assume a complete reformat of your drive is the only way to fix this, aside from completing the authorization process. I came upon this message looking for a workaround to the above situation myself. I have a install of windows I did to test a motherboard. After correcting the motherboard date, I got the authorization notice. I have a copy of Windows XP on order for this machine, but I used an already licensed CD to install it, just to see if the motherboard would work. I wanted to wait until I received my additional copy to authorize, but the changed date activated the Windows lockout. Now I'll have to wait until fresh copy arrives before continuing to work on the machine.

Unless there is some extraordinary coincidence, this is the origen of your problem. I don't know of a solution, other than authorizing the copy of Windows.
Whoops, it was a coincidence!

I posted that I got this error from trying to repair a Windows install that had exceeded the authorization period. I was trying to boot from the CD I had installed the Windows with the day before, so I assumed the CD was fine.

However, I sprayed off the CD with Windex and wiped it clean, and the repair is proceeding normally. It was simply an unlikely coincidence.

Sorry for the misdirection.
I found out why my computer did this.....

It seemed that i had put the floppy IDE cable upside down, so that the floppy led didnt turn off after post.
I put the floppy drive ide cable in correct, and the problem was solved.

did you find an answer?

Hey there, did you find the solution to this problem, as i have the same thing happening
hey finidigeorge

I have a toshiba satellite laptop, so how do i fix this problem with my laptop

Im gettinf a corrupt or missing error msg for txtsetup.sif

unplug your hard disk and plug it into a computer which has the same OS with yours (you must set the hard disk jumper to the slave mode), then when you start the computer, OS will check and repair the corrupted files.Tthen when you plug the hard disk to your PC everythings gonna be OK, you'll see
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