AMD Athlon II X3
MSI 980 mobo
DDR3 memory
can't imagine other peripherals would matter, but will have a sata hd,
dvd burner, pci modem and old pci soundblaster if I can make it work.
Have both XP and Win 7 disks. Most of my programs are 5+ years old, and
made for XP. Still partial to XP after using both.
Will be a replacement for 8 yo desktop.
Most stressful task will be streaming online video to a HDTV.
What I've read seems XP drivers are still pretty much included and not
difficult to install.
Pointers on above ponderings appreciated.
MSI 980 mobo
DDR3 memory
can't imagine other peripherals would matter, but will have a sata hd,
dvd burner, pci modem and old pci soundblaster if I can make it work.
Have both XP and Win 7 disks. Most of my programs are 5+ years old, and
made for XP. Still partial to XP after using both.
Will be a replacement for 8 yo desktop.
Most stressful task will be streaming online video to a HDTV.
What I've read seems XP drivers are still pretty much included and not
difficult to install.
Pointers on above ponderings appreciated.