Win XP SP2 crashing to desktop with no error message


Thierry Lam

I recently cleaned my registry of some virus called scvhost.exe. Ever
since then, each time I'm watching a movie or playing some PC games, it
randomly crashes to the desktop with no error messages. The movie and
games are still running since their windows are just minimized to the
task bar during the crash.

Any ideas how to fix that? I'm on a Core 2 Duo E6300, Windows XP Pro
SP2 with the latest windows update from yesterday.

Thierry Lam

I used bit defender to get rid of the virus but there were instances of
scvhost.exe in the repository which I removed. Will everything be
alright if I repair my windows?

Dave B.

Maybe, maybe not. Only way to tell is to try it, as always have a backup of
important data beforehand.

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