Windows XP Win XP Recoverd from a serious error

Jul 19, 2007
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I basically just want to no the fix to this error and the solution to go about fixing the error. CAN ANYONE HELP ME OUT let me no what this error means
Thank you, Tsquad35

BCCode : 100000d1 BCP1 : 00000002 BCP3 : 00000001 BCP4 :8202F124 OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 2_0 Product : 256_1

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Its a windows stop error, normally a driver problem..Have you installed any new drivers recently or new pieces of software that may be conflicting with a driver file...
Not that I no of basically this is coming from a clients PC, Im at work I think I no the fix but haven't had a chance to do a maintence clean up and also she does not have all patches installed for xp win updates, does not have any Ad-aware or spyware software installed im going to do all of that also but basically I just wanted to no the cause of the error and anyone else's opinion on this error and how to go about it. Basically her PC is very unstable because she does not have the full patch ups and spyware scans an all the other b**** on her pc
Thank you dude hopefully you can give me some other tips im going to go rite now an check device manager for any drivers and I will let you no I dont think this is the problem but its worth a try peace
Ok she did not install any other software before she got the error message "win has recovered from a serious error" and also everything is working correctly in device manager all drivers are running great
disable automatic rebooting: then post the contents of the BSOD

1. Right-click My Computer, and then click Properties.

2. Click the Advanced tab.

3. Under Startup and Recovery, click Settings to open the Startup and Recovery dialog box.

4. Clear the Automatically restart check box, and click OK the necessary number of times.

5. Restart your computer for the settings to take effect.

Well don't worry about it to much for now unless she gets more stop errors..

Update the the pc with all the xp updates then Run the spyware scans and antivirus and do all the cleaning up of the pc that you can and see how it goes..

Hope that clears the problem up for you..
Thank you CRAZYLEGS yea thats def what i was planning on doing but the client has a bunch of work to do so i cant do my thing yet anyway thanks dude

MUCKSHIFTER as I assumed that has nothing to do with the error and I was right because I checked it out and it was already checked off dude but any way thanks for your help dude at this point any help is great thank you
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