Ravi said:
My system configuration is as follows.
Processor Celeron 1.7
Intel chipset (mercury)
Mother Board 845GL
Operting System: Win xp professional.
WEB cam creative
When I connect to Internet and access WEB cam "Dumping physical Memory "
problem comes with blue screen and the machine will be restarted.
Please let me know the solution for this problem.
Thanks & Regards
Ravi Kumar Kondiparti
Well, to start out, you've no where near an adequate amount of RAM for
what you trying to do. Upgrade the amount of RAM to at least 512Mb; 1
Gb would be better.
Secondly, without the specific error message from the BSOD, we can't
even begin to offer specific corrective actions. To get started
troubleshooting the cause of your problems, we'll need to learn what
specific errors are occurring and being recorded.
To get the error message from the blue screen (a.k.a. the BSOD --
Blue Screen of Death), you'll need to turn off WinXP's automatic
reboot "feature:" Right-click My Computer > Properties > Advanced >
Startup and Recovery > Uncheck "Automatically restart." The next time
your PC crashes, you'll be left with a blue screen full of memory
addresses and other seeming gibberish. The top 2 or 3 lines of this
screen will contain information that can help solve your problem.
Carefully write down these lines and post the exact text back here.
Hopefully, one of us will be able to provide some insight.
Additionally, you should check your Event Logs to see if they can
shed any light on the matter, To do so, Right-click My Computer >
Manage > Event Viewer > System and Application. Record the specifics
of any red-flagged error messages and post the exact text back here.
Again, hopefully, one of us will be able to provide some insight.
Bruce Chambers
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