Win XP Pro - workgroup | Limited Privledges |simple file sharing | access to exe program



I am using Win XP Pro with a wowrkgoup network in conjunction and executing a VisualBasic6 application ( exe ) which reads and writes files.

If my user is granted "administative privledges", all works as intended.

If my user is granted "limited privledges", access to the program is denied

I am using "simple file sharing"

I do not want to give the user ( or guest) administarative privledges, but I would like users (and guests) with "limited privledges" to be able to make full use of this exe which reads and writes files.

Is there a way to accomplish this short of installing a domain network

thanks for any help



Hi saber,

Create a direct acces on the desktop using this line:
%windir%\System32\runas.exe /profile /savecred /user:Administrator

Where 'Administrator' is the name of the account with administrative
privileges and d:\setup is the path to the program you want to open
under a limited account.

Create this direct access on the limited account, when you run it the
first time, it will ask for the account's password. Then it will open
normally like every other program, and you won't have to type the
password each time a limited-account user opens the program.

Good luck

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