Win XP Explorer Search Function



Since moving to Win XP I have found that Win Explorer Search Files &
Folders function does not work properly (as Win 98 did).

I need to search a subset of the files (for example *.pas) to find a
file containing a string (for example TLargeInteger). Win 98 would have
found this but Win XP returns with no item found when there is
definitely a file(s) with that string in it in plain text (ie not

Is there some subtle selection I am not making or is the Win XP Search
function broken.

Alan Lloyd

Detlev Dreyer

Since moving to Win XP I have found that Win Explorer Search Files &
Folders function does not work properly (as Win 98 did).

Using the "A word or phrase in the file" search criterion may not work

"Content Search Does Not Search All File Types for the Specified String"
And if this is the case, how can I change that?

You may want to use "Agent Ransack" on WinXP systems instead:


Thanks d-d, I went with adding the key to the file-type entry in the

Now works OK - Here's the registry file I used.

Contents of PasDpr_Search.reg ...

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = =

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = =

Alan Lloyd

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