WIN XP boots into Safe Mode but freezes at Login screen

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I have a Windows XP Pro Safe Mode problem. I have a Dell Dimension 8400
Desktop (nearly three months old).

First let me say I religiously keep my antivirus up to date. I have Spybot
Search & Destroy, Ad-Aware SE, Spy Sweeper, PestPatrol, Microsoft AntiSpyware
and I use HijackThis. I only use one of the Spyware programs for active
protection. I can account for all of my running processes and startup
entries including those starting from the Registry.

I scan my system (Spyware and viruses) after turning off system restore then
I booted into safe mode (that was my routine before this problem). I keep my
web surfing to a minimum. I use my banks site, news sites etc. This problem
only recently happened. I have no problems booting up into Windows and every
thing runs great. I never have had a virus or been hit with spy ware etc
because of that routine.

The problem only when try to boot into Safe Mode. I press F8 then select
Safe Mode. It runs the process of booting into Safe Mode all the way to the
Welcome screen where it displays the picture for my Administrator Account and
my personal Account (also an Administrator Account).

My mouse works fine, it moves freely around the screen to mouse over what
ever account I choose to log into but when I click the picture and the
password box comes up for me to type into my system freezes right there. The
password box has that blinking line like its ready for me to type in my
password but when I type none of my key strokes work, nothing goes into the

I type and it doesn’t respond. My mouse cursor is frozen right were I last
clicked (it looks like a little glove not an arrow), I can’t move it. I am
sitting there locked up and the only way I can get out is to unplug my
computer (were it it boots up perfectly into Windows). I have my system
setup so when I press the power button the box pos up for me to shut down or
restart but that doesn’t work because I can’t press enter or move my mouse

Dell’s solution as it is for any thing big and small is to restore the
system back to it factory shipped state using their restore function (wiping
all my programs and settings out). Windows Restore did nothing either I
forgot to mention. I am hoping some one has had this happen or heard of it
and has a solution other than starting from zero. Any way or thing any of
you may have to offer would be greatly appreciated. I’ll try it first before
I use any drastic measures.

Thanks for your help.

Thanks for your advise but that was one of the fisrt things I ran. I did
get to logon once sucessfully I believe. I set a new restore point after
that but when I tried it later the same scenario occured. It froze once I
clicked to logon.

It's strainge because Windows as I said runs flawlessly in every way. I
have never had a hicup there evere?

Anyway if you or any one else thinks of something to try please pass it on
to me. Last is there and alternative way to bot ito safe mode? Should I try
to make a different selection at the screen after pressing F8, I mean to try
to diagnose this?

You would think if there was a serious problem it wouldn't even get to the
logon screen.
