win explorer not loading



I've been experience some occasional problems with windows explorer not
loading at log on.

I'm able to access the task manager and start the command prompt and type in
"explorer" and brings up my desktop. It's been happening to a few
workstations where I work at and can't seem to figure out what's causing it.

Anyone have any ideas of how to fix it without reformatting and reinstalling
windows? I did a fix of windows already.

We are also using roaming profiles on most of the workstations.

Any ideas??


I've been experience some occasional problems with windows explorer not
loading at log on.

not entirely surprising, jk....
I'm able to access the task manager and start the command prompt and type in
"explorer" and brings up my desktop. It's been happening to a few
workstations where I work at and can't seem to figure out what's causing it.

That is usually application hang, or a device driver (update) issue...
I've had it happen, check the event viewer and see if there are
similarities, if so, research and see....
Anyone have any ideas of how to fix it without reformatting and reinstalling
windows? I did a fix of windows already.

a what? Windows fix?
We are also using roaming profiles on most of the workstations.

Any ideas??

What OS are you? I assume XP-SP2, but could be wrong....

If it/they were recently updated, might look there.
If all the machines were the same, they actually may not be the same.
Same model #s don't mean identical hardware.... I bought 12 dells,
all same model number, and 3 of them had different motherboard rev. #s
and video cards... it happens...

maybe try msconfig.exe and check startup items, and go from there...



It's SP2. There are new Dells used for a business. They were all loaded at
the same time and are the same model.

It doesn't happen all the time and sometimes it's hard to reproduce the
problem. You never know when it's not going to load and that's the problem.
If it was everytime I might be able to narrow down what's causing it.

I'm still trying to figure out if it's a roaming profile issue or win
explorer issue.


There wasn't any errors in the event viewer and looked at the statup in
msconfig and everything was checked.

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