Clueless in Seattle
A friend recently gave me his old computer when he bought a new one.
I'm now running Win2K on this hand-me-down computer, but on my old yard
sale computer I ran Windows 98.
I'd appreciate some advice on how to set up a weekly housekeeping
On my old (Win98) machine I used to do my housekeeping on Sunday
morning like this:
1. Delete all *.tmp folders
2. Clear internet history
3. Empty recycle bin
4. Run Scandisk
5. Defragment hard drive
I also used to do a complete back-up each Sunday (and daily incremental
I seem to recall coming across a utility in Win 2K called something
like "Disk Cleanup" and wonder if I can substitute that for one or more
of the above steps.
Since Windows 2000 is a completely different animal than Windows 98, do
I need to adopt a new housekeeping routine?
Also, I'm uncertain whether to do my weekly back-ups before or after
the weekly housekeeping.
Will in Seattle
a.k.a. "Clueless"
I'm now running Win2K on this hand-me-down computer, but on my old yard
sale computer I ran Windows 98.
I'd appreciate some advice on how to set up a weekly housekeeping
On my old (Win98) machine I used to do my housekeeping on Sunday
morning like this:
1. Delete all *.tmp folders
2. Clear internet history
3. Empty recycle bin
4. Run Scandisk
5. Defragment hard drive
I also used to do a complete back-up each Sunday (and daily incremental
I seem to recall coming across a utility in Win 2K called something
like "Disk Cleanup" and wonder if I can substitute that for one or more
of the above steps.
Since Windows 2000 is a completely different animal than Windows 98, do
I need to adopt a new housekeeping routine?
Also, I'm uncertain whether to do my weekly back-ups before or after
the weekly housekeeping.
Will in Seattle
a.k.a. "Clueless"