Win 2K Install split IDE controllers

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chris Werner
  • Start date Start date

Chris Werner

I recently purchased two new 250GB ATA 100 controlled
disks that I want to load Win 2k onto. The CD Drive IDE
controller is off the motherboard (HP 9800 series
Pavilion) and the ATA 100 Controller is in a PCI slott.

When Booting to floppy with the control cable disconnected
from the CD the disks are recognized but of course there
is no CD to load software with.

When the CD is reconnected and I boot to floppy the setup
aborts because "No Hard Disk is Found". The monitor
correctly displays the two disks on two controller ports
LBA enabled.

How do I get the boot sequence to recognize the CD and to
poll the PCI bus to talk to the Hard Drives?

I'm assuming that I cannot connect the new WD250 disks to
the motherboard IDE controller because it is not 48-bit
addressing capable.


You need to press F6 as soon as you boot from the installation CD, and then
insert a floppy with the correct hard disk controller drivers in order for
Win2000 to recognize your disks.

Best regards
