WIN 2003 Server DHCP Drops Win XP Pro Connections.



We have installed about 20 UPS machines at our wherehouse about a year
ago.They connect to our network with DHCP through 3003 Server and must
transmit data once a day via the internet to UPS.They worked great for about
6 months but all of a sudden they are dropping the network connection
intermittenly for no apparent reason.We also have W2k Computers that dont
seem to have this problem.If you do an IP renew it fixes the issue.Anyone
have any ideas?

Thanks ahead of time for any assistance


What IP address do you have before you renew? Check the IP settings
carefully. If it's a 169.254.x.x, then it's Autogenerated through APIPA and
you aren't contacting the DHCP server. If it's a 192.168.x.x, 172.16.x.x, or
10.x.x.x then it's a RFC 1918 reserved address and is getting it from a DHCP
server on your network. If you are getting a RFC1918 reserved address then
it's likely that you have a rogue DHCP server on your network that is also
handing out leases. Make sure any routers, etc. that shouldn't be
functioning as a DHCP server aren't.

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